Monday, 16 September 2013


1.     Distinguish between a shift of the demand curve for a product and a movement along the product´s demand curve.

Before answering this question, it is important to know what ``Demand´´ means.
What is demand? Demand is defined as the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price in a given time period. The law of demand states that ``if the price of a product falls, the demand for that product will increase´´. This is logic because, for example, if soccer balls used to cost $80 and its price now is of $40, the demand for that product will increase because more people will be willing to buy a soccer ball. The demand of a product might have influences on different factors and some of these are:
·      The population size: if a population is big, products will have a greater demand.
·      The ages of the population: If there are a lot of babies, then strollers will show a higher demand.
·      Income changes: if there are changes in the income distribution.
·      Seasonal changes: During wintertime, there will be more demand for coats than during the summer.
·      Government policy changes: The taxes on incomes might affect the money that will be spent by people.

Demand Curves have two axis, the ``y´´ axis represents the price and the ``x´´ axis will represent the quantity demanded. If there is a change in the price, there will be a change of the quantity demanded. There might be an increase in demand and the reasons are because of the ``Income Effect (reflects how much someone can buy) and ``Substitution Effect´´(A product will be more desirable if the price decreases).

What is a shift on a demand curve? There are two shifts, these are:
·      SHIFT TO THE RIGHT: More of the product is demanded at every price. This means that the demand for a good/product increases.

·      SHIFT TO THE LEFT: Less of a product will be demanded at every price. This means that demand for a particular good/product decreases.

*The shifts are caused if there is a change of the determinants mentioned before and the curve WILL NOT shift if the price changes.

MOVEMENT ALOND A DEMAND CURVE: There will be a movement along a demand curve if the price changes since it is on the ``Y´´ axis.

EXAMPLE:  Lets say that this demand curve is for rulers. P1 represents $5 and P2 represents $2. As the price has dropped $3, there is a movement along the demand curve. As the price decreases, the quantity demanded increases. Q1 represents 100 rulers and Q2 represents 150 rulers. Since P2 is $2, Q2 will be grater that Q1. 

2. With reference to two different determinants of demand, explain why the demand curve for bicycles might increase. Use a diagram to support your answer.

Two determinants of demand are:

·      TASTES AND PREFERENCES: Marketing studies the tastes and degree of satisfaction consumers have towards some products. Some firms will try to influence their consumers to buy their products. This represents a shift to the right in the demand curve.
·      COMPLEMENTS: These are products that will be usually purchased together, in this case, bicycles and helmets or bicycles and knee guards.

BRAND BICYCLE: If this product is a preference for the population because of its brand, each time, there will be more quantity demanded at every price, which means that there will be a shift to the right in the demand curve.

NO BRAND BICYCLE: Let say that the population doesn´t like this bicycle because of the quality. For the company being able to exist, it will have to lower the prices so more people buy them. This would show a movement along the demand curve. If no one buys them, it will shift to the left.

HELMETS: Because they are needed for riding a bicycle, as more bicycles are purchased, more helmets will be purchased.  This will show a shift to the right.

If there is a fall in price in bicycles, the demand curve will show a movement; the demand curve for helmets will show a shift to the right, as more will be purchased at every price.

Fátima Crespo Martín

1 comment:

  1. Hello Fatima! Blogspot was acting up and I couldn't see your post until now! Great post, by the way!

    I would like to start of with the positive aspects. You were very organized with your ideas! I can tell that you knew what you were talking about and you helped the reader understand the concept. You separated your ideas into different paragraphs and made the post more blog based than essay based. I should start doing that! You clearly stated definitions and then answered the question. You answered the questions and really emphasized on the difference between shifts and movements along the demand curve.

    My only negative aspect would be your academic language. I feel like you should be a bit more formal when writing your blog/essay posts. Also, check for grammatical and spelling errors. For example you wrote, "MOVEMENT ALOND A DEMAND CURVE" which is not that big of a deal but could be fixed easily. If you write a bit more formally, I feel like your post could be longer and more appealing. This is very important!

    Great post Fatima!! I'm sick so I can't say it to you in person!! :(

    Love you xx
    - Matthew Bocanumenth
